Thursday, March 22, 2012

Building the Hugelkultur Garden

Piles of Oak branches and wood.
This site is full of useable organic material. The site also had a large Burr Oak to prune.  Lots of material.
Good top-soil.
The long-bed taking shape.
Just keep adding material.
Will and his associate.
Putting the top-soil back on the mound.
Good soil and nice rotten logs.
Leaf mulch pulled from the yard.
Oak branches
The long-bed on the right and the wells on the left are taking shape.
The pruning of the oak provided a nice amount of material for the structure of the wells.

Keep adding material.
Adding in the last of the soil.
Add wood-chips and manure then cover it with compost.
This garden just needs a big infusion of quality organic compost.  We will add about three cubic yards and plant the vegetables in that. 
We will have more to come. 

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